Pantheon Work is an initiative of Antonio Blanco-Gracia and Sergio Salgado, which has been possible thanks to the knowledge and support of people that you can learn about in detail in our timeline.
Sergio Salgado is a consultant, policy advisor, activist and writer. Founder of Pantheon Work and President of Xnet.
Antonio Blanco-Gracia is a consultant, facilitator, trainer and researcher. Founder of Pantheon Work and Director of the Federation Cocemfe-Barcelona.
We are accompanied by people with experience and expertise in different disciplines and fields of activity, as needed for each project.
We cooperate, compete and share knowledge with an informal network of micro-enterprises and professionals who incubate entrepreneurial projects of young people who want to join the network.
We can give you references of our work as Pantheon Work since we started in 2019 in the following organizations:
Find out more about how we work. We also keep the timeline updated to see our organization as a generative process and recognize the people who have contributed to it.
And in the resources section you can learn about our ideas and the methodologies we are developing