
The magic tool that will solve all your remote work problems actually exists

“If you had to identify, in one word, the reason why the human race has not achieved, and never will achieve, its full potential, that word would be ‘meetings’”. We usually start our training on efficient meetings at PantheonWork with

Why the massive remote working experiment during the Coronavirus crisis is doomed to failure

Los que como nosotros trabajéis o simplemente estéis interesados, en los temas relacionados con la cultura de las organizaciones, también estaréis atentos estos días a este tema derivado del único tema que lo ocupa todo: país tras país, la crisis

Cultivating wisdom in organizations

Imagine that we have a nephew who confesses to us that he is confused about many things: What professional career to pursue? What lifestyle can he aspire to have? Is he willing to sacrifice love, or family life for a

To improve your organization, first, think about how you could make it worse

At Pantheon Work, we usually make quick and prospective assessments, because we think that one of the keys to success is the generation of value from resources/assets (knowledge, innovative ideas, talents, contacts, etc.) that are being underused. The general diagnostics

Value Network Analysis. What is it? What is it for? How can it be done?

Versión en Español: aquí. What is a Value Network Analysis? It is a map that analyzes the value network of an organization in its ecosystem, allows us to analyze the exchanges from an organic, dynamic and systemic perspective. Unlike the

Netiquette for mailing lists

There is a commonplace in many organizations that leads them to look for that magic technological solution that allows information to flow internally in an optimal way and disseminate the results of the work of the organization to the outside.